Geisha nani sore?
A-chan : Geisha sorewa nandesuka, tabemono deusuka =_=?
B-chan : Tabemono janai!! huuuf >.<
A-chan : Ja, Geishawa nandeuska?
B-chan : Geisha wa na, that often appears on TV, the Geisha is meant here is powder-faced Japanese woman who sang and danced "ダ ン ス" in front of "の 前 に" guests while wearing a kimono "着 物". But if you often hear the word geisha and only to the extent that you know "詳 し く は", it is time to deepen the "深 め ま す" horizons of true geisha.
The term "Geisha" is taken from "か ら" kanji "gei" which means "art" and "sha" meaning "doer" or "person". They "彼 ら" is an artist entertainer "芸 能人" which in addition to traditional Japanese dance "ダ ン ス", also sang "歌 い ま す "classic songs, play traditional instruments, and perform many other attractions for guests. The act it is the women"女性 "single flawless in the age of adolescence"
少年 "to senior citizens, and although generally the play comes" か ら "of Japan, there are now western women who take" 取 り ま す "Geisha role.
As you know "あ な た が 知 っ て い る よ う に", women "女" who want transformed into "に な り ま す" geisha must be dressed in a way that raises the image of a geisha, and usually they have to be trained for a year before becoming the real geisha. Well, they "彼 ら" new "新 し い も の" beginners usually dubbed "Maiko ま い こ". They then display the talent "タ レ ン ト" them in various places "場所", ranging from "場所" spa, restaurants, hotels, and homes Geisha. Apart from all that, they have to keep practicing "練習" every day for more "ま す ま す" improve.
In the 20th century this Geisha is "確 か に" somewhat rare, but Geisha was popular "" に ん き in the 18th century and 19. Often hear the term "country girls"? Well, that is similar to this one. The term "geisha girl 田 舎 娘" never became the nickname for the cast Geisha. But make no mistake! This designation is used during the US occupation in Japan, and in fact the connotation of prostitution. In China, the word used is "yi ji", the pronunciation "ji" much like the kanji that means prostitution.
Loh, why "な ぜ" so? Because Geisha has an image as a "誰 か の よ う に" 'waiter ウ ェ イ タ ー' for their work "仕事". It is they who serve and entertain "楽 し ま せ る" guest - a man in this context - so they got a nickname like that. In the colonial period the United States, there are some Geisha in Japan that serve the guests by pouring alcohol "さ け" into his glass, and although there are still nailed to the performing arts alone, there is also providing s*x services.Note that "そ の" meaning "意味" real and Geisha goal is not as "と い っ た" it. But in the end, offer relationship "関係" s*x and the use of the nickname was reduced over time "時間 と と も に", so that now the term Geisha has been known as an art in itself.
A-chan : ooooh...^_^
B-chan : mo wakatta ka
A-chan : hai.. desu, arigato ^_^
B-chan : Tabemono janai!! huuuf >.<
A-chan : Ja, Geishawa nandeuska?
B-chan : Geisha wa na, that often appears on TV, the Geisha is meant here is powder-faced Japanese woman who sang and danced "ダ ン ス" in front of "の 前 に" guests while wearing a kimono "着 物". But if you often hear the word geisha and only to the extent that you know "詳 し く は", it is time to deepen the "深 め ま す" horizons of true geisha.
The term "Geisha" is taken from "か ら" kanji "gei" which means "art" and "sha" meaning "doer" or "person". They "彼 ら" is an artist entertainer "芸 能人" which in addition to traditional Japanese dance "ダ ン ス", also sang "歌 い ま す "classic songs, play traditional instruments, and perform many other attractions for guests. The act it is the women"女性 "single flawless in the age of adolescence"
少年 "to senior citizens, and although generally the play comes" か ら "of Japan, there are now western women who take" 取 り ま す "Geisha role.
As you know "あ な た が 知 っ て い る よ う に", women "女" who want transformed into "に な り ま す" geisha must be dressed in a way that raises the image of a geisha, and usually they have to be trained for a year before becoming the real geisha. Well, they "彼 ら" new "新 し い も の" beginners usually dubbed "Maiko ま い こ". They then display the talent "タ レ ン ト" them in various places "場所", ranging from "場所" spa, restaurants, hotels, and homes Geisha. Apart from all that, they have to keep practicing "練習" every day for more "ま す ま す" improve.
In the 20th century this Geisha is "確 か に" somewhat rare, but Geisha was popular "" に ん き in the 18th century and 19. Often hear the term "country girls"? Well, that is similar to this one. The term "geisha girl 田 舎 娘" never became the nickname for the cast Geisha. But make no mistake! This designation is used during the US occupation in Japan, and in fact the connotation of prostitution. In China, the word used is "yi ji", the pronunciation "ji" much like the kanji that means prostitution.
Loh, why "な ぜ" so? Because Geisha has an image as a "誰 か の よ う に" 'waiter ウ ェ イ タ ー' for their work "仕事". It is they who serve and entertain "楽 し ま せ る" guest - a man in this context - so they got a nickname like that. In the colonial period the United States, there are some Geisha in Japan that serve the guests by pouring alcohol "さ け" into his glass, and although there are still nailed to the performing arts alone, there is also providing s*x services.Note that "そ の" meaning "意味" real and Geisha goal is not as "と い っ た" it. But in the end, offer relationship "関係" s*x and the use of the nickname was reduced over time "時間 と と も に", so that now the term Geisha has been known as an art in itself.
A-chan : ooooh...^_^
B-chan : mo wakatta ka
A-chan : hai.. desu, arigato ^_^
Japanese Lessons Part 2
- The long vowels
お ば さ ん (aunt): お ば あ さ ん (grandmother)
お じ さ ん (uncle): お じ い さ ん (grandfather)
ゆ き (snow): ゆ う き (courage)
え (image): え え (yes)
と る (grab): と お る (through)
こ こ (here): こ う こ う (High School)
へ や (room): へ い や (meadow) - Speech written by ん
え ん ぴ つ (pencil) み ん な (all) て ん き (weather) き ん え ん (smoking ban) - Greeting written with small っ
ぶ か (subordinate): ぶ っ か (price of goods)
お と (sound): お っ と (husband)
に っ き (diary): い っ ぱ い (one cup): べ っ と (bed) - Greeting letter in follow ゃ, ゅ and small よ
ひ や く (skipping): ひ ゃ く (one hundred)
じ ゆ う (freedom): じ ゅ う (ten)
び よ う い ん (beauty salon): び ょ う い ん (hospital) - ふ ゆ: あ し た と も だ ち と お は な み を し ま す. [→ average]fuyu : Ashita tomodachi to o hanami o shimasu
は る ー さ ん も い っ し ょ に い き ま せ ん か. [↑ ride]Haru-san mo issho ni ikimasen ka
は る ー: あ あ, い い で す ね え. [↓ down]Haru : A, īdesu nē.
Fuyu: Tomorrow, I'll see Sakura flower with friends.
Haru Will go together?
Haru: Well, yes. - Word abbreviation
noun: が く せ い, つ く え
adjective い: お い し い, た か い
adjective な: き れ い [な] し ず か [な]
verb: か き ま す た べ ま す
sentence: こ れ は 本 で す
わ た し は あ し た と き ょ う い き ま す - Vocabulary
わ た し
わ た し た ち
あ な た
あ の ひ と (あ の か た "polite form")
み な さ ん
せ ん せ い
き ょ う し
が く せ い
か い し ゃ い ん
し ゃ い ん
ぎ ん こ う い ん
い し ゃ
け ん き ゅ う し ゃ
エ ン ジ ニ ア
だ い が く
び ょ う い ん
で ん き
だ れ (ど な た polite form of だ れ)
な ん か い (お い く つ)
は い
い い え
し つ れ い で す か
お な ま え は?
は じ み ま し て
ど う ぞ よ ろ し く - Lesson this time to be here ^ _ ^ please read hiragana train with sentences him above all means. ok heheheh ja matta ne ...
The new tradition of eating sushi
"Kaitenzushi" restaurant which provides a dish (sushi "す し") them on the conveyor belt (conveyor belt) is one of Japan's most famous contribution to the world "世界" culinary tourism. The concept is simple: consumers sitting around a tire that spins then picked up the menu that they want from a table full of sushi. When the desired menu in there they can also be ordered directly and on the mark so that the order was not taken other customers.
But now "い ま" there is a new trend in Japan are likely to threaten traditional conveyor system. The consumer there is not so keen anymore to take "
取 り ま す "their plates from the table that rotates" ス ピ ン ". So now, the conveyor belt is only used as a menu display normal food. The consumer will choose food" 食品 "that they want from the small plates on the conveyor belt, and then the new order to the waiter "ウ ェ イ タ ー".
Strange? Yup. The new trend seems to be influenced by the booking system via the touch panel (touch screen) are now "い ま" already used in many restaurants kaitenzushi. Touch panels are applied in the booth dish "り ょ り" give freedom "自由" for consumers to scroll through the pages in the menu sushi "す し" available.
But now "い ま" there is a new trend in Japan are likely to threaten traditional conveyor system. The consumer there is not so keen anymore to take "
取 り ま す "their plates from the table that rotates" ス ピ ン ". So now, the conveyor belt is only used as a menu display normal food. The consumer will choose food" 食品 "that they want from the small plates on the conveyor belt, and then the new order to the waiter "ウ ェ イ タ ー".
Strange? Yup. The new trend seems to be influenced by the booking system via the touch panel (touch screen) are now "い ま" already used in many restaurants kaitenzushi. Touch panels are applied in the booth dish "り ょ り" give freedom "自由" for consumers to scroll through the pages in the menu sushi "す し" available.
One advantage of this system is the order made by the customer will be directed to the chef, thereby minimizing the time required to get dishes to the dinner table.
Changes to kaitenzushi tradition almost 60 years old is already affecting the entire air-conveyor sushi restaurant in Japan. In the city where customer satisfaction is something that comes first, the business owners who do not provide a touch panel system is also trying berakomodasi with the same working system with touch panel - only without the touch panel itself. In other words, those who want to eat food that is spinning on a conveyor belt stay book of their choice to the waiter and wait for the food was served.
Maruha Nichiro Corp., a seafood company in Japan, confirmed the significant changes this after doing a survey of 1000 residents of Tokyo. The respondents are those who visit restaurants sushi once a month or more. A total of 38.9% said they were still loyal to the traditional belt conveyor system, while the rest said that they were already accustomed to ordering food menu from the waiter.
No one knows how "ど う や っ て" kaitenzushi fate (in the future "未来"). Most restaurants in Japan even throw "捨 て ま す" conveyor belt them and replace "交換 し ま す" with a touch panel, allowing consumers to receive their dishes ala 'fresh-from-the oven', instead of taking the sushi that has been displayed either how long on the table "テ ー ブ ル" spinning, though with so they can immediately eat the food of their choice.
Mama Tachi
Something does not always correspond to what we see. Josei Seven women's magazine wrote, if "mamatomo" not based on sincerity in truth, then perhaps all kinds of friendships also does not have a real sincerity.
What is "mamatomo"? (Mama no tomodachi)
Mamatomo, which means 'friendship of the mama', is informal groups formed by a group of mothers of small children. The members usually are in the park or school playground, and come together in periods of time to talk to each other, either simply talk about the latest news or to give moral support to each other in terms of child development.
And of course, the provision of such support is very beneficial for mothers. Sometimes it feels very helpful if we have friends who are in similar circumstances, who know us and were able to give us a boost.
But what if the things that impressed both were based on heart pain?
For example, 37-year-old mistress Fuyu. One year ago, his son (musuko "む す こ") has just stepped on the elementary school "shogakko / し ょ が っ こ", which later also brought his mother to the new process of social interaction with the mother there. They always met at lunch, talked about the problems they are experiencing household, give advice and encouragement, and so forth.
One day, Mrs. Fuyu who do not feel hungry do not order drinks from the cafeteria, while other friends ordered.
Then? This is not a problem, right? For us, this is not seen as something strange or even a bad connotation. No. But what is in our minds, in contrast to what is on the minds of other mothers. Once it happened, Mrs. Fuyu no longer invited to have lunch with them the next day. The mother is also no longer greet when they met on the street. With so alone, Mrs. Fuyu already excluded.
"Maybe they think, 'if you do all that his stingy against the money, we will only burden you.'" So said Mrs. Fuyu.
It what can one learn from this problem? There are two possibilities, namely (1) we have a message what others message; or (2) continue to maintain your independence and out of mamatomo.
Let's look at other similar cases. Mrs Aki is a 39-year-old mother who has a 5 th grade girls. And as Mrs. Fuyu, he also has his own circle of friendship with other moms.
But in the case of a Mrs. Aki, this incident does not make him mired in the association, but rather form a dilemma in itself.
On one day, they were gathered and talked about the bags that carry branded by a mother there. "Very good!" - "I like!" - "Buy it where?" said these mothers. The owner also responded with a light bag, "I got it on the cheap from a friend who lives abroad. If you also want a bag like this, I can order it."
Of course, all mothers nodded toward the offer without any problems. All, except Ms. Aki. Why? Due to the financial condition of the family that are not conducive to buying goods for tertiary. But because he did not want to look flashy, he finally nodded along with the others in buying a bag of discounted elite, albeit with a heavy heart.
Josei Seven re-emphasizing the problem:
"Economic conditions are now increasingly expanding chasm barrier between the rich and the poor. Environmental friendship" yujo [ゆ じ ょ] "as it may seem benign on the surface, but in fact there is a great competition going on in it. What competition? Competition in everything things: revenue husband "otto [夫]", the status of the job "Shigoto [し ご と]", family wealth, physical appearance, academic achievement of children, make-up mothers, branded shoes expensive - even diapers are worn baby. "
An informal survey by Josei Seven revealed that some 60.8% of mothers still appreciate mamatomo due to exchange information about the education of children, 57.7% of women want a place where they can consult about their problems, while 44.3% would boost overall morale, which they could get from the scope of the friendship.
Mamatomo certainly would be very useful if the association really only three reasons that are contained therein. Unfortunately, a lot of negative things growing. What mamatomo in the country you huh? ^ _ ^
What is "mamatomo"? (Mama no tomodachi)
Mamatomo, which means 'friendship of the mama', is informal groups formed by a group of mothers of small children. The members usually are in the park or school playground, and come together in periods of time to talk to each other, either simply talk about the latest news or to give moral support to each other in terms of child development.
And of course, the provision of such support is very beneficial for mothers. Sometimes it feels very helpful if we have friends who are in similar circumstances, who know us and were able to give us a boost.
But what if the things that impressed both were based on heart pain?
For example, 37-year-old mistress Fuyu. One year ago, his son (musuko "む す こ") has just stepped on the elementary school "shogakko / し ょ が っ こ", which later also brought his mother to the new process of social interaction with the mother there. They always met at lunch, talked about the problems they are experiencing household, give advice and encouragement, and so forth.
One day, Mrs. Fuyu who do not feel hungry do not order drinks from the cafeteria, while other friends ordered.
Then? This is not a problem, right? For us, this is not seen as something strange or even a bad connotation. No. But what is in our minds, in contrast to what is on the minds of other mothers. Once it happened, Mrs. Fuyu no longer invited to have lunch with them the next day. The mother is also no longer greet when they met on the street. With so alone, Mrs. Fuyu already excluded.
"Maybe they think, 'if you do all that his stingy against the money, we will only burden you.'" So said Mrs. Fuyu.
It what can one learn from this problem? There are two possibilities, namely (1) we have a message what others message; or (2) continue to maintain your independence and out of mamatomo.
Let's look at other similar cases. Mrs Aki is a 39-year-old mother who has a 5 th grade girls. And as Mrs. Fuyu, he also has his own circle of friendship with other moms.
But in the case of a Mrs. Aki, this incident does not make him mired in the association, but rather form a dilemma in itself.
On one day, they were gathered and talked about the bags that carry branded by a mother there. "Very good!" - "I like!" - "Buy it where?" said these mothers. The owner also responded with a light bag, "I got it on the cheap from a friend who lives abroad. If you also want a bag like this, I can order it."
Of course, all mothers nodded toward the offer without any problems. All, except Ms. Aki. Why? Due to the financial condition of the family that are not conducive to buying goods for tertiary. But because he did not want to look flashy, he finally nodded along with the others in buying a bag of discounted elite, albeit with a heavy heart.
Josei Seven re-emphasizing the problem:
"Economic conditions are now increasingly expanding chasm barrier between the rich and the poor. Environmental friendship" yujo [ゆ じ ょ] "as it may seem benign on the surface, but in fact there is a great competition going on in it. What competition? Competition in everything things: revenue husband "otto [夫]", the status of the job "Shigoto [し ご と]", family wealth, physical appearance, academic achievement of children, make-up mothers, branded shoes expensive - even diapers are worn baby. "
An informal survey by Josei Seven revealed that some 60.8% of mothers still appreciate mamatomo due to exchange information about the education of children, 57.7% of women want a place where they can consult about their problems, while 44.3% would boost overall morale, which they could get from the scope of the friendship.
Mamatomo certainly would be very useful if the association really only three reasons that are contained therein. Unfortunately, a lot of negative things growing. What mamatomo in the country you huh? ^ _ ^
Tradition Christmas in Japan
I think the celebration of Christmas in Japan is slightly different with the celebration of Christmas in other countries. If the Christian community rejoiced with family and friends in the
church, most of the Japanese people rejoiced looking for a dating
"If it were not for Christmas, I might not be dressed like this to find a girlfriend," Akino said Koshiba. Yes, Akino beautify themselves busy in recent days. Like most Japanese people who are still single, she felt a little nervous because in Japan, as there is an unwritten law that you have to go on a date with someone at, Christmas in Japan as the second valentin in Japan.
"Wherever I go, everyone seemed to remind me that I have not had a girlfriend," Tomohito said Shimazu, a student in Tokyo. In Japan, Christmas is not a national holiday let alone a religious holiday, despite that almost everyone come celebrate. Whether it is sightseeing, meals, or exchanging gifts, which is important to be with her boyfriend like valentin day. "Until now the author of this blog does not have a date and still looking T_T kawaiso"
Christmas celebrations are treated the same as the day valentin started in the era of 1980-1990an where the young adult to easily obtain high-paying jobs. Enterprises and local business is growing rapidly with the influx of western influence.
The young adult began to like to indulge themselves and their partners by eating at fancy restaurants and giving gifts are branded expensive. But now, all the luxuries it has been reduced because the Japanese economy is being weakened. A survey of people aged 20-30s single year conducted by Macromill in Tokyo showed that 39% of them are planning to celebrate Christmas in a fancy restaurant, but 32% chose to celebrate it at home. "May be the current economic upturn Jepan is improving. "
Whether it's eating KFC or strawberry cake, two types of food are required at Christmas.
"If it were not for Christmas, I might not be dressed like this to find a girlfriend," Akino said Koshiba. Yes, Akino beautify themselves busy in recent days. Like most Japanese people who are still single, she felt a little nervous because in Japan, as there is an unwritten law that you have to go on a date with someone at, Christmas in Japan as the second valentin in Japan.
"Wherever I go, everyone seemed to remind me that I have not had a girlfriend," Tomohito said Shimazu, a student in Tokyo. In Japan, Christmas is not a national holiday let alone a religious holiday, despite that almost everyone come celebrate. Whether it is sightseeing, meals, or exchanging gifts, which is important to be with her boyfriend like valentin day. "Until now the author of this blog does not have a date and still looking T_T kawaiso"
Christmas celebrations are treated the same as the day valentin started in the era of 1980-1990an where the young adult to easily obtain high-paying jobs. Enterprises and local business is growing rapidly with the influx of western influence.
The young adult began to like to indulge themselves and their partners by eating at fancy restaurants and giving gifts are branded expensive. But now, all the luxuries it has been reduced because the Japanese economy is being weakened. A survey of people aged 20-30s single year conducted by Macromill in Tokyo showed that 39% of them are planning to celebrate Christmas in a fancy restaurant, but 32% chose to celebrate it at home. "May be the current economic upturn Jepan is improving. "
Whether it's eating KFC or strawberry cake, two types of food are required at Christmas.
Toyota Sugoi
After reading the news below I am very impressed by Toyota with hard work until it could be a great company.
Toyota Motor Corp. zoomed to a record profit of 2.17 trillion yen for the fiscal year to March, up 19% from a year earlier, supported by sales growth in the US and the perk of cheap yen.
Toyota President Akio Toyoda told reporters Friday the Japanese car seems to be back on track for "sustainable growth," although the coming year will be an important test. "Keep the spirit Akio Toyoda"
Looking ahead, the company announced it expects profit growth of 3.5% for 2:25 trillion yen for the fiscal year through March 2016.
Since Toyoda, grandson of the founder of the automaker, took the helm in 2009, Toyota has gone through hard times, is getting involved in a massive recall scandal, especially in the US
Scandal swelled to millions of vehicles recalled for various problems, including faulty brakes, sticky gas pedals and defective floor mats.
"This year will be decisive in showing whether Toyota can head toward sustainable growth or we will be forced to turn back," he said, referring to the recall failures and financial crisis of 2008.
Annual sales grew 6% to 27.23 trillion yen, although fewer vehicles were sold worldwide. Cost cutting and cheap yen helped.
Maker of the Camry sedan and Prius hybrid has been the best-selling car in the world over the last three years in the face of fierce competition from Volkswagen AG of Germany and General Motors Co US
Since withdrawal appear, Toyoda announced a halt to the expansion of such unintentional opening of new auto-assembly plant and is not focused on cost-cutting, quality control, training of personnel and make more of existing plants.
It was a three-year absence was appointed recently. Last month, Toyota announced a new plant in Mexico, with an eye on the lucrative North American market, as well as factory in China, where despite a few bumps, the long-term growth potential remains huge.
Before the scandal, Toyota boasted a reputation for meticulous quality, super-lean production and management which empowered workers. But admits that he has grown too fast.
After the scandal, Toyota launched TNGA, or Toyota New Global Architecture, the current development of products to avoid overlapping and to encourage joint technology and parts, to reduce waste while being able to adapt to different markets and types of buyers.
The first product under the architecture will be held later this year, theoretically increase profitability.
Over the years, Toyota has been seen as a model of reliable and gives good mileage, but they have also been seen as bland and outdated.
Toyoda is trying to change that, stressing the need to chisel out the reputation of glamor and luxury are some European and American rivals already have, but it remains elusive for Toyota.
For the January-March quarter, Toyota reported a profit of 446.4 billion yen, up 50% from the previous year.
Last year, Toyota claims the automotive industry milestone by selling more than 10 million vehicles a year, at 10.23 million vehicles.
Toyota Motor Corp. zoomed to a record profit of 2.17 trillion yen for the fiscal year to March, up 19% from a year earlier, supported by sales growth in the US and the perk of cheap yen.
Toyota President Akio Toyoda told reporters Friday the Japanese car seems to be back on track for "sustainable growth," although the coming year will be an important test. "Keep the spirit Akio Toyoda"
Looking ahead, the company announced it expects profit growth of 3.5% for 2:25 trillion yen for the fiscal year through March 2016.
Since Toyoda, grandson of the founder of the automaker, took the helm in 2009, Toyota has gone through hard times, is getting involved in a massive recall scandal, especially in the US
Scandal swelled to millions of vehicles recalled for various problems, including faulty brakes, sticky gas pedals and defective floor mats.
"This year will be decisive in showing whether Toyota can head toward sustainable growth or we will be forced to turn back," he said, referring to the recall failures and financial crisis of 2008.
Annual sales grew 6% to 27.23 trillion yen, although fewer vehicles were sold worldwide. Cost cutting and cheap yen helped.
Maker of the Camry sedan and Prius hybrid has been the best-selling car in the world over the last three years in the face of fierce competition from Volkswagen AG of Germany and General Motors Co US
Since withdrawal appear, Toyoda announced a halt to the expansion of such unintentional opening of new auto-assembly plant and is not focused on cost-cutting, quality control, training of personnel and make more of existing plants.
It was a three-year absence was appointed recently. Last month, Toyota announced a new plant in Mexico, with an eye on the lucrative North American market, as well as factory in China, where despite a few bumps, the long-term growth potential remains huge.
Before the scandal, Toyota boasted a reputation for meticulous quality, super-lean production and management which empowered workers. But admits that he has grown too fast.
After the scandal, Toyota launched TNGA, or Toyota New Global Architecture, the current development of products to avoid overlapping and to encourage joint technology and parts, to reduce waste while being able to adapt to different markets and types of buyers.
The first product under the architecture will be held later this year, theoretically increase profitability.
Over the years, Toyota has been seen as a model of reliable and gives good mileage, but they have also been seen as bland and outdated.
Toyoda is trying to change that, stressing the need to chisel out the reputation of glamor and luxury are some European and American rivals already have, but it remains elusive for Toyota.
For the January-March quarter, Toyota reported a profit of 446.4 billion yen, up 50% from the previous year.
Last year, Toyota claims the automotive industry milestone by selling more than 10 million vehicles a year, at 10.23 million vehicles.
Source Japantoday
japanese lessons part 1
This time we discuss about the pronunciation is written with N (ん)ん does not exist in front of the word, and is one mora.
Pronunciation / m / on before the sound in line ば, ぱ and ま line.Examples:し ん ぶ ん (sinbun): newspapers, え ん ぴ つ (enpitsu): pencil う ん め い (Unmei): fate
Pronunciation / ŋ / in before the sound of the rows and rows が か.Examples:て ん き (tenki): weather, け ん が く (kengaku): reviewing
Vowel [i] and [u] are often not voiced when there are between consonants noiseless. Vowel [u] in す [su] at the end of words - で す or - ま す also omitted if - で す or - ま す there at the end of a sentence.Example: す き / tsuki (like), し た い で す / shitaidesu (want to do), き き ま す / kikitai (hearing)
No speech modestlyExample: に わ / niwa (page), は な / hana (nose), な ま え / Namae (name), に ほ ん ご / nihongo (Japanese language)
Speech that there modestly after the first moraExample: ほ ん / hon (book), て ん き / tenki (weather), ら い げ つ / raigetsu (next month)
There modestly remarks after the second mora, or mora hereinafterExample: た ま ご / tamago (egg), ひ こ う き / hikouki (aircraft), せ ん せ い / sensei (teacher)
There modestly remarks after the final moraExample: く つ / kutsu (shoes), は な / hana (flower), や す み / yatsumi (holiday), お と う と / ototo (younger brother)は な / hana (nose) at (1) together with は な / hana (flower) to (4), but different types of accents as if these words are followed by particles like が spoken with は な が / hanaga on (1 ) and a は な が at (4). Words are the same but different accent like this could have other meanings. Examples other words as follows:Example: は し / hashi (bridge): は し (chopsticks) い ち / ichi (one): い ち (position)On-accent accent accent areas mentioned above is sometimes different. For example accent Osaka area is very different from the standard accent. For example, as follows.Standard accent: Accent area Osakaは な: は な (flowers)り ん ご: り ん ご (apple)お ん が く: お ん が く (music)
- Greeting ん form according to the sound that followed, such as {n}, {m} and {ŋ}.
Pronunciation / m / on before the sound in line ば, ぱ and ま line.Examples:し ん ぶ ん (sinbun): newspapers, え ん ぴ つ (enpitsu): pencil う ん め い (Unmei): fate
Pronunciation / ŋ / in before the sound of the rows and rows が か.Examples:て ん き (tenki): weather, け ん が く (kengaku): reviewing
- Greeting written with small つ
- Greeting letter followed by や, ゆ or small よ
- Greeting letters in line が
- Loss of vowels [i] and [u]
Vowel [i] and [u] are often not voiced when there are between consonants noiseless. Vowel [u] in す [su] at the end of words - で す or - ま す also omitted if - で す or - ま す there at the end of a sentence.Example: す き / tsuki (like), し た い で す / shitaidesu (want to do), き き ま す / kikitai (hearing)
- Accent
No speech modestlyExample: に わ / niwa (page), は な / hana (nose), な ま え / Namae (name), に ほ ん ご / nihongo (Japanese language)
Speech that there modestly after the first moraExample: ほ ん / hon (book), て ん き / tenki (weather), ら い げ つ / raigetsu (next month)
There modestly remarks after the second mora, or mora hereinafterExample: た ま ご / tamago (egg), ひ こ う き / hikouki (aircraft), せ ん せ い / sensei (teacher)
There modestly remarks after the final moraExample: く つ / kutsu (shoes), は な / hana (flower), や す み / yatsumi (holiday), お と う と / ototo (younger brother)は な / hana (nose) at (1) together with は な / hana (flower) to (4), but different types of accents as if these words are followed by particles like が spoken with は な が / hanaga on (1 ) and a は な が at (4). Words are the same but different accent like this could have other meanings. Examples other words as follows:Example: は し / hashi (bridge): は し (chopsticks) い ち / ichi (one): い ち (position)On-accent accent accent areas mentioned above is sometimes different. For example accent Osaka area is very different from the standard accent. For example, as follows.Standard accent: Accent area Osakaは な: は な (flowers)り ん ご: り ん ご (apple)お ん が く: お ん が く (music)
- Intonation
Katakana Lessons
I already wrote yesterday to learn hiragana well now let us continue to learn katakana, as I said yesterday I have not been very proficient in the Japanese language ^ _ ^ Let's learn together isshoni benkyou shimasu ne? ok
General characteristics of the Japanese language
1. Type the word
the kind of words are verbs japanese language, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, conjunctions and particles
2. The order of words
predicate is always located at the end of the sentence, in addition, the Japanese language word that described located behind the words that describe.
3. Predicate
nouns, verbs and adjectives in Japanese language serves as the predicate. Can show (1) the positive and negative (2) non-past tense and past tense
adjectives are divided into two groups, namely the adjective i (い) and adjectives Na (な) in accordance with the amendments.
4. particles
Behind the words or phrases used particles. particle shows the relationship between the word with the word in a sentence and intent of the speaker, also serves to add various meanings
5. Enforced
words and phrases that could be in the know of the context of the sentence is usually removed. subject and object in the sentence also commonly removed.
KATAKANA 片 仮 名 used to write words in a foreign language, such as the name of the country (ア メ リ カ America), the name of a stranger (ア ン ト ニ ー Anthony), and words of uptake of foreign languages (テ ー ブ ル teeburu 'table')
Katakana is also used to write the word you want highlighted in a sentence
General characteristics of the Japanese language
1. Type the word
the kind of words are verbs japanese language, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, conjunctions and particles
2. The order of words
predicate is always located at the end of the sentence, in addition, the Japanese language word that described located behind the words that describe.
3. Predicate
nouns, verbs and adjectives in Japanese language serves as the predicate. Can show (1) the positive and negative (2) non-past tense and past tense
adjectives are divided into two groups, namely the adjective i (い) and adjectives Na (な) in accordance with the amendments.
4. particles
Behind the words or phrases used particles. particle shows the relationship between the word with the word in a sentence and intent of the speaker, also serves to add various meanings
5. Enforced
words and phrases that could be in the know of the context of the sentence is usually removed. subject and object in the sentence also commonly removed.
KATAKANA 片 仮 名 used to write words in a foreign language, such as the name of the country (ア メ リ カ America), the name of a stranger (ア ン ト ニ ー Anthony), and words of uptake of foreign languages (テ ー ブ ル teeburu 'table')
Katakana is also used to write the word you want highlighted in a sentence
ア a | イ i | ウ u | エ e | オ o | |||
カ ka | キ ki | ク ku | ケ ke | コ ko | キャ kya | キュ kyu | キョ kyo |
サ sa | シ shi | ス su | セ se | ソ so | シャ sha | シュ shu | ショ sho |
タ ta | チ chi | ツ tsu | テ te | ト to | チャ cha | チュ chu | チョ cho |
ナ na | ニ ni | ヌ nu | ネ ne | ノ no | ニャ nya | ニュ nyu | ニョ nyo |
ハ ha | ヒ hi | フ fu | ヘ he | ホ | ヒャ hya | ヒュ hyu | ヒョ hyo |
マ ma | ミ mi | ム mu | メ me | モ mo | ミャ mya | ミュ myu | ミョ myo |
ヤ ya | ユ yu | ヨ yo | |||||
ラ ra | リ ri | ル ru | レ re | ロ ro | リャ rya | リュ ryu | リョ ryo |
ワ wa | ヰ wi | ヱ we | ヲ wo | ||||
ン n | |||||||
ガ ga | ギ gi | グ gu | ゲ ge | ゴ go | ギャ gya | ギュ gyu | ギョ gyo |
ザ za | ジ ji | ズ zu | ゼ ze | ゾ zo | ジャ ja | ジュ ju | ジョ jo |
ダ da | ヂ ji | ヅ zu | デ de | ド do | |||
バ ba | ビ bi | ブ bu | ベ be | ボ bo | ビャ bya | ビュ byu | ビョ byo |
パ pa | ピ pi | プ pu | ペ pe | ポ | ピャ pya | ピュ pyu | ピョ pyo |
In addition katakana above, the following additional katakana in modern times, this additional letters are usually used to represent the words of a foreign language.
イェ ye | ||||
ウィ wi | ウェ we | ウォ wo | ||
ヴァ va | ヴィ vi | ヴ vu | ヴェ ve | ヴォ vo |
シェ she | ||||
ジェ je | ||||
チェ che | ||||
ティ ti | トゥ tu | |||
テュ tyu | ||||
ディ di | ドゥ du | |||
デュ dyu | ||||
ツァ tsa | ツィ tsi | ツェ tse | ツォ tso | |
ファ fa | フィ fi | フェ fe | フォ fo | |
フュ fyu |
Katakana is in the column above is kana word used to write the names and foreign words that previously did not exist in the Japanese language.
well now please memorized katakana hope this article helpful, Benkyou otsukaresama deshita
Earthquake in Nepal
A group of Nepalese living in a city north of Tokyo have gathered to mourn the victims of the earthquake that hit their country a week ago.
In Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture, about 70 Nepalese gathered in a park on Sunday evening. After a silent prayer, they lit about 200 candles that formed an outline of their country.
The participants donated money to help survivors in Nepal.
A 32-year-old man said he wants the money to be used to provide food and water to the survivors. He said he wants to see Nepal rise from the destruction as Japan has done with people working together.
One of the organizers said that survivors are suffering because they lack food.
The group is planning to hold a charity fundraising event in Tochigi city on May 23rd.
Many survivors of the recent major earthquake in Nepal are believed to be stranded in mountainous areas with serious injuries.
The quake struck on April 25th. More than 7,100 deaths have been confirmed in Nepal and neighboring countries. The number of injured has topped 14,000 in Nepal alone.
The Nepalese authorities are moving seriously injured survivors from mountainous areas to hospitals in cities by using helicopters and other methods.
The country's neighbor, India, and other nations are helping with the transfers.
About 30 seriously injured people were brought to a hospital in the capital Kathmandu at the weekend. They included a 79-year-old man with spine and leg injuries.
The patients received treatment in tents.
A doctor at the hospital says many people were seriously injured in the quake but they couldn't get treatment for days. The hospital performed more than 30 operations on Sunday alone.
The doctor says the hospital sent its own medical team to mountainous regions and transported the seriously injured to Kathmandu by car.
But the doctor adds that this is just the tip of the iceberg and injured people urgently need to be moved to medical facilities for treatment.
I just read this news on NHK word about the earthquake in Nepal, I'm condolence for the occurrence of disasters in Nepal, which reads arikel I hope to contribute whether it be money, food and beverage, clothes, might be able to alleviate the suffering of the people of Nepal. I'm sorry if there was a mistake the words I type or offended anyone with my words.
If you willing to donate to nepal please find a trusted donation
Note: If there are asking for donations in the name of this blog, it is definitely scams because this blog has never asked for donations to the disaster in nepal. thank you for visiting this blog.
Good visitor will surely leave a comment but do not spam ok ^ _ ^
Warm regards
In Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture, about 70 Nepalese gathered in a park on Sunday evening. After a silent prayer, they lit about 200 candles that formed an outline of their country.
The participants donated money to help survivors in Nepal.
A 32-year-old man said he wants the money to be used to provide food and water to the survivors. He said he wants to see Nepal rise from the destruction as Japan has done with people working together.
One of the organizers said that survivors are suffering because they lack food.
The group is planning to hold a charity fundraising event in Tochigi city on May 23rd.

The quake struck on April 25th. More than 7,100 deaths have been confirmed in Nepal and neighboring countries. The number of injured has topped 14,000 in Nepal alone.
The Nepalese authorities are moving seriously injured survivors from mountainous areas to hospitals in cities by using helicopters and other methods.
The country's neighbor, India, and other nations are helping with the transfers.
About 30 seriously injured people were brought to a hospital in the capital Kathmandu at the weekend. They included a 79-year-old man with spine and leg injuries.
The patients received treatment in tents.
A doctor at the hospital says many people were seriously injured in the quake but they couldn't get treatment for days. The hospital performed more than 30 operations on Sunday alone.
The doctor says the hospital sent its own medical team to mountainous regions and transported the seriously injured to Kathmandu by car.
But the doctor adds that this is just the tip of the iceberg and injured people urgently need to be moved to medical facilities for treatment.
I just read this news on NHK word about the earthquake in Nepal, I'm condolence for the occurrence of disasters in Nepal, which reads arikel I hope to contribute whether it be money, food and beverage, clothes, might be able to alleviate the suffering of the people of Nepal. I'm sorry if there was a mistake the words I type or offended anyone with my words.
If you willing to donate to nepal please find a trusted donation
Note: If there are asking for donations in the name of this blog, it is definitely scams because this blog has never asked for donations to the disaster in nepal. thank you for visiting this blog.
Good visitor will surely leave a comment but do not spam ok ^ _ ^
Source: (NHK word)
Warm regards
べんきょう (Benkyou) / Lessons
before I was also not fully understand the Japanese language, if there is an error word, hope in understandable therefore let's learn together.
Learn basic Japanese language is learned Japanese from the letters that are basically divided into three types. Early learning Japanese for beginners is to understand all of the letters in order to compose words and sentences so before we get to know the country of cherry blossoms let us learn Japanese language to add to our knowledge of the Jepan . Today's lesson basic level know hiragana and katakana , let's begin .
If on top of the writing hiragana ( ひらがな ) added quotes or sound different spheres so must look carefully.
Rules of writing and reading hiragana was divided into 4 parts :
Learn basic Japanese language is learned Japanese from the letters that are basically divided into three types. Early learning Japanese for beginners is to understand all of the letters in order to compose words and sentences so before we get to know the country of cherry blossoms let us learn Japanese language to add to our knowledge of the Jepan . Today's lesson basic level know hiragana and katakana , let's begin .
- Hiragana ( ひらがな )
Hiragana ( ひらがな ) letter is the letter basic Japanese. Learning Japanese for beginners should learn these letters. carefully studied the table below, memorize shapes.

If on top of the writing hiragana ( ひらがな ) added quotes or sound different spheres so must look carefully.
Rules of writing and reading hiragana was divided into 4 parts :
- Sei on (Hiragana = せいおん ) (Kanji = 清音) = Short Sound (note : sorry if I am wrong kanji) ^_^ sei on ( 清音 ) is the pronunciation of words is a short example : Haru means Spring ( " はる "" 春 " ), Natsu means Summer ( " なつ " " 夏 " ), Aki (" あき" " 秋 "), Fuyu (" ふゆ " " 冬 ")
- Chou on (Hiragana (ちょうおん), Kanji (長音) ), = Long Sound ^_^In the Japanese vocabulary are long and short beep sounds.
Long sound in Japanese is called Choo on.
Short-length sound when pronounced it means to be very different.
Examples: Obasan and obaasan
Obasan means aunt, auntie, grandmother while obaasan means.
Every sound length is calculated first mora of each syllabus and this applies to
all syllabus, how to extend the sound is assisted by vocals from any
row in question, namely:- All of the rows of "A" includes the sound of "ka, sa, ta, na ha, ma, ya, ra, wa, ga, za, da, ba, pa,
extended with the assistance of one sound "a"
Example: お か あ さ ん okaasan = mother someone
- All row "i" includes "ki, shi, chi, ni hi, mi, ri, gi, ji, bi and pi" extended
assisted by one extended sound assisted by the letter "i" Example:
お じ い さ ん ojiisan = grandfather someone
お に い さ ん oniisan = brother someone
- All the rows of U include "ku, su, tsu, nu, fu, mu, yu, ru, gu, ju, bu, pu" and also a row
u of yoo-on covers kyu, shu, chu, NYU, hyu, myu, ryu "extended with the help of
by 1 sound extended by the letter "U"
く う き kuuki = air
じゆう jiyuu = free
- All rows E includes "Ke se, te, ne he, me, re, ge, de, be and pe" extended
assisted by one sound, with the assistance extended by the letter "i", except for
ee oneesan word and aided by the "E"
と け い Tokei = Clock
せ ん せ い Sensei = teacher / professor / doctor / mangaka
(note: in the title sensei in Japan many use not only teachers, professors, doctors, maybe later we discuss together about the title sensei ^ _ ^)
except: お ね え さ ん Oneesan = sister someone
- All rows of "O" include "ko, so, to, no, ho, mo, yo, ro, go, jo, bo, po" and also
row "o" of yoo on include "kyo, sho, cho, nyo, hyo, myo, ryo" extended 1
sound, assisted by the letter "U", although extended with the letter "U" but
The length of the sound remains pronounced "O"
お と う さ ん otoosan = Father someone
こ う じ ょ う koojoo = factory
き ょ う し つ kyooshitsu = class - Soku on (Hiragana = そくおん, Kanji = 促音)Sokuon is double consonant sound in Japanese only 4 that is consonant cluster pp,
ss, tt and kk.
This double consonants not found in Japanese letters arranged in gojuonju, but
in fact in Japanese there is a vocabulary that has a sound
consonant cluster, therefore, to be able to pronounce the double consonant sounds
1 kana necessary assistance that the letter "tsu つ" in the form of a small size (っ), when we
then the position size is written approximately a quarter of the form kana
The letter "tsu" small only help clasped 4 consonants that follow
The next sound kana which p, s, k and t.
ら っ ぱ rappa (trumpet)
ざ っ し Zasshi (magazine)
が っ き gakki (musical instrument)
き っ て kitte (stamp) - Joshi ( 助詞 )Joshi was Particles in Japanese is called Joshi, could also be said auxiliary means. of particles we can know the meaning of a sentence, particles (joshi) can not stand alone in one sentence, usually following types other words. (verb, noun, etc.), Particleboard (Joshi) has some kind of like a stiff-joshi, setsuzoku-joshi, fuku-joshi and suu-joshi.
- wa = は Ha (は) is in read Wa
example of sentences
Watashi wa ni hana o Ōsaka kaimasu
わ た し は お さ か に は な お か い ま す
consider the above there are two letters HA, a different way of pronunciation, so not all the letters HA (は) read it in WA, WA read the letters HA if the letter is a pattern sentence. if HA is not a pattern sentence letter, then it should remain in read HA as HANA (note : these particles must be mastered because later we often use it in conversation).
Konnichiwa minasan, today we will reveal the 'origins of the word "Konnichiwa" or expressed in English means "Good Morning". Make friends who are just learning Japanese might be confused how to write Konnichiwa right and often too much wrong writing Konnichiwa said this because the author is also experiencing the same thing. ^_^Then after that terlintaslah some lingering questions. The question is "Why Konnichiwa written こ ん に ち は?" "Why Konnichi (こ ん に ち) hiragana combined with particles (は) wa or ha?" "Why are not written (こ ん に ち わ) Konnichiwa use hiragana all?". For critical person would want to know and curious origin of this Konnichiwa said. Want to know? It turns out this is no trivial word origin. Let us refer!
In general, Japanese people pronounce greeting Konnichiwa with writing konnichiha because ha in Japanese particle wa read. Examples:
今 は い い 天 気 で す ね.
Writing (ii tenki ha Ima desune)
How to Read (Ima wa ii tenki desune)
This time the weather was sunny.
- ga = がGa particles (が) and Particle Wa (は)
Particle ga (が) and particle wa (は) are two particles are included in this type of particle (か く - じ ょ し). Where these two particles are particles that connects between a word with other words, the relationship between subjects, objects with a predicate, etc. In use,
these two particles are not much different. There are times when particles can be replaced with a particle wa ga in a sentence. However, there is little or small subtle differences between these two particles.- The function of Ga particles (が)
In Japanese, the particle ga (が) shows some of the functions of which are as follows.
Shows the subject of a PredicateShow the subject and said auxiliary of intransitive verbAme ga furimasu.
雨 が 降 り ま す.
Rain is falling.
Bukka ga agarimasu.
物 価 が 上 が り ま す.
Prices of goods rise.Indicate the existence of something. (Form GA ARIMASU (inanimate), GA imasu (living creatures))
Chodo asoko Nihongo Gakko ga ni ebāguriin arimasu.
ち ょ う ど あ そ こ に エ バ ー グ リ ー ン 日本語 学校 が あ り ま す.
Exactly there is no Japanese language schools Evergreen.
Kurasu ga ni gakusei imasu Junin.
ク ラ ス に 学生 が 十 人 い ま す.
In the class there are 10 students.
- no = の Particle Number (Function and Explanation Complete)
NO(の) particle is one of the many particles in Japanese, as well as particle WA, NO(の) particle is very important to learn before we begin to construct a sentence in Japanese.
NO(の) particles are used to combine two nouns, besides NO(の) particles can also be used as an emphatic speech that is usually used in a variety of languages Japanese women, for more details, the following function of the particle NO(の), hopefully can help you who are studying Japanese.
NO(の) particles can be used to combine the two nomina.
Nomina that existed before the particles become adverbs for no noun that is after particle NO(の).
- Shows the property of someone / something.
Watashi no baggu.
わ た し の バ ッ グ.
Bag (have) me.
Ano basu wa kaisha no desu.
あ の バ ス は 会 社 の で す.
The bus was owned by the company.
Indoneshia-jin no fūzoku wa Nihon-jin no to mattaku chigaimasu.
イ ン ド ネ シ ア 人 の 風俗 は 日本人 の と ま っ た く 違 い ま す.
Indonesian customs of different people altogether with the Japanese.- Merging the two nouns. (Noun first explained hereinafter noun)
Nihon-go no sensei.
日本語 の 先生.
Japanese teacher.
Kotoshi no kome no Shukaku oi wa desu.
こ と し の 米 の 収穫 は 多 い で す.
Many rice harvest this year.
Watashi no tomodachi no Tono-san wa chūgakkō de gengogaku no sensei o shite imasu.
わ た し の 友 達 の ト ノ さ ん は 中 学校 で 言語 学 の 先生 を し て い ま す.
Tono is my language teacher in junior high school.Ok learn hiragana today completed her to see you in learning Katakana article ja matta ne minna benkyou gambatte kudasai see in the next article ^ _ ^support this blog by leaving a comment but do not use rude word and spam