Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, 12 May 2015

"Kaitenzushi" restaurant which provides a dish (sushi "す し") them on the conveyor belt (conveyor belt) is one of Japan's most famous contribution to the world "世界" culinary tourism. The concept is simple: consumers sitting around a tire that spins then picked up the menu that they want from a table full of sushi. When the desired menu in there they can also be ordered directly and on the mark so that the order was not taken other customers.

But now "い ま" there is a new trend in Japan are likely to threaten traditional conveyor system. The consumer there is not so keen anymore to take "
取 り ま す "their plates from the table that rotates" ス ピ ン ". So now, the conveyor belt is only used as a menu display normal food. The consumer will choose food" 食品 "that they want from the small plates on the conveyor belt, and then the new order to the waiter "ウ ェ イ タ ー".

Strange? Yup. The new trend seems to be influenced by the booking system via the touch panel (touch screen) are now "い ま" already used in many restaurants kaitenzushi. Touch panels are applied in the booth dish "り ょ り" give freedom "自由" for consumers to scroll through the pages in the menu sushi "す し" available.

One advantage of this system is the order made by the customer will be directed to the chef, thereby minimizing the time required to get dishes to the dinner table.
Changes to kaitenzushi tradition almost 60 years old is already affecting the entire air-conveyor sushi restaurant in Japan. In the city where customer satisfaction is something that comes first, the business owners who do not provide a touch panel system is also trying berakomodasi with the same working system with touch panel - only without the touch panel itself. In other words, those who want to eat food that is spinning on a conveyor belt stay book of their choice to the waiter and wait for the food was served.
Maruha Nichiro Corp., a seafood company in Japan, confirmed the significant changes this after doing a survey of 1000 residents of Tokyo. The respondents are those who visit restaurants sushi once a month or more. A total of 38.9% said they were still loyal to the traditional belt conveyor system, while the rest said that they were already accustomed to ordering food menu from the waiter.
No one knows how "ど う や っ て" kaitenzushi fate (in the future "未来"). Most restaurants in Japan even throw "捨 て ま す" conveyor belt them and replace "交換 し ま す" with a touch panel, allowing consumers to receive their dishes ala 'fresh-from-the oven', instead of taking the sushi that has been displayed either how long on the table "テ ー ブ ル" spinning, though with so they can immediately eat the food of their choice.

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