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Posted by : Unknown
Sunday, 3 May 2015
before I was also not fully understand the Japanese language, if there is an error word, hope in understandable therefore let's learn together.
Learn basic Japanese language is learned Japanese from the letters that are basically divided into three types. Early learning Japanese for beginners is to understand all of the letters in order to compose words and sentences so before we get to know the country of cherry blossoms let us learn
Japanese language to add to our knowledge of the Jepan . Today's lesson
basic level know hiragana and katakana , let's begin .
- Hiragana ( ひらがな )
Hiragana ( ひらがな ) letter is the letter basic Japanese. Learning Japanese for beginners should learn these letters. carefully studied the table below, memorize shapes.

If on top of the writing hiragana ( ひらがな ) added quotes or sound different spheres so must look carefully.
Rules of writing and reading hiragana was divided into 4 parts :
- Sei on (Hiragana = せいおん ) (Kanji = 清音) = Short Sound (note : sorry if I am wrong kanji) ^_^ sei on ( 清音 ) is the pronunciation of words is a short example : Haru means Spring ( " はる "" 春 " ), Natsu means Summer ( " なつ " " 夏 " ), Aki (" あき" " 秋 "), Fuyu (" ふゆ " " 冬 ")
- Chou on (Hiragana (ちょうおん), Kanji (長音) ), = Long Sound ^_^In the Japanese vocabulary are long and short beep sounds.
Long sound in Japanese is called Choo on.
Short-length sound when pronounced it means to be very different.
Examples: Obasan and obaasan
Obasan means aunt, auntie, grandmother while obaasan means.
Every sound length is calculated first mora of each syllabus and this applies to
all syllabus, how to extend the sound is assisted by vocals from any
row in question, namely:- All of the rows of "A" includes the sound of "ka, sa, ta, na ha, ma, ya, ra, wa, ga, za, da, ba, pa,
extended with the assistance of one sound "a"
Example: お か あ さ ん okaasan = mother someone
- All row "i" includes "ki, shi, chi, ni hi, mi, ri, gi, ji, bi and pi" extended
assisted by one extended sound assisted by the letter "i" Example:
お じ い さ ん ojiisan = grandfather someone
お に い さ ん oniisan = brother someone
- All the rows of U include "ku, su, tsu, nu, fu, mu, yu, ru, gu, ju, bu, pu" and also a row
u of yoo-on covers kyu, shu, chu, NYU, hyu, myu, ryu "extended with the help of
by 1 sound extended by the letter "U"
く う き kuuki = air
じゆう jiyuu = free
- All rows E includes "Ke se, te, ne he, me, re, ge, de, be and pe" extended
assisted by one sound, with the assistance extended by the letter "i", except for
ee oneesan word and aided by the "E"
と け い Tokei = Clock
せ ん せ い Sensei = teacher / professor / doctor / mangaka
(note: in the title sensei in Japan many use not only teachers, professors, doctors, maybe later we discuss together about the title sensei ^ _ ^)
except: お ね え さ ん Oneesan = sister someone
- All rows of "O" include "ko, so, to, no, ho, mo, yo, ro, go, jo, bo, po" and also
row "o" of yoo on include "kyo, sho, cho, nyo, hyo, myo, ryo" extended 1
sound, assisted by the letter "U", although extended with the letter "U" but
The length of the sound remains pronounced "O"
お と う さ ん otoosan = Father someone
こ う じ ょ う koojoo = factory
き ょ う し つ kyooshitsu = class - Soku on (Hiragana = そくおん, Kanji = 促音)Sokuon is double consonant sound in Japanese only 4 that is consonant cluster pp,
ss, tt and kk.
This double consonants not found in Japanese letters arranged in gojuonju, but
in fact in Japanese there is a vocabulary that has a sound
consonant cluster, therefore, to be able to pronounce the double consonant sounds
1 kana necessary assistance that the letter "tsu つ" in the form of a small size (っ), when we
then the position size is written approximately a quarter of the form kana
The letter "tsu" small only help clasped 4 consonants that follow
The next sound kana which p, s, k and t.
ら っ ぱ rappa (trumpet)
ざ っ し Zasshi (magazine)
が っ き gakki (musical instrument)
き っ て kitte (stamp) - Joshi ( 助詞 )Joshi was Particles in Japanese is called Joshi, could also be said auxiliary means. of particles we can know the meaning of a sentence, particles (joshi) can not stand alone in one sentence, usually following types other words. (verb, noun, etc.), Particleboard (Joshi) has some kind of like a stiff-joshi, setsuzoku-joshi, fuku-joshi and suu-joshi.
- wa = は Ha (は) is in read Wa
example of sentences
Watashi wa ni hana o Ōsaka kaimasu
わ た し は お さ か に は な お か い ま す
consider the above there are two letters HA, a different way of pronunciation, so not all the letters HA (は) read it in WA, WA read the letters HA if the letter is a pattern sentence. if HA is not a pattern sentence letter, then it should remain in read HA as HANA (note : these particles must be mastered because later we often use it in conversation).
Konnichiwa minasan, today we will reveal the 'origins of the word "Konnichiwa" or expressed in English means "Good Morning". Make friends who are just learning Japanese might be confused how to write Konnichiwa right and often too much wrong writing Konnichiwa said this because the author is also experiencing the same thing. ^_^Then after that terlintaslah some lingering questions. The question is "Why Konnichiwa written こ ん に ち は?" "Why Konnichi (こ ん に ち) hiragana combined with particles (は) wa or ha?" "Why are not written (こ ん に ち わ) Konnichiwa use hiragana all?". For critical person would want to know and curious origin of this Konnichiwa said. Want to know? It turns out this is no trivial word origin. Let us refer!
In general, Japanese people pronounce greeting Konnichiwa with writing konnichiha because ha in Japanese particle wa read. Examples:
今 は い い 天 気 で す ね.
Writing (ii tenki ha Ima desune)
How to Read (Ima wa ii tenki desune)
This time the weather was sunny.
- ga = がGa particles (が) and Particle Wa (は)
Particle ga (が) and particle wa (は) are two particles are included in this type of particle (か く - じ ょ し). Where these two particles are particles that connects between a word with other words, the relationship between subjects, objects with a predicate, etc. In use,
these two particles are not much different. There are times when particles can be replaced with a particle wa ga in a sentence. However, there is little or small subtle differences between these two particles.- The function of Ga particles (が)
In Japanese, the particle ga (が) shows some of the functions of which are as follows.
Shows the subject of a PredicateShow the subject and said auxiliary of intransitive verbAme ga furimasu.
雨 が 降 り ま す.
Rain is falling.
Bukka ga agarimasu.
物 価 が 上 が り ま す.
Prices of goods rise.Indicate the existence of something. (Form GA ARIMASU (inanimate), GA imasu (living creatures))
Chodo asoko Nihongo Gakko ga ni ebāguriin arimasu.
ち ょ う ど あ そ こ に エ バ ー グ リ ー ン 日本語 学校 が あ り ま す.
Exactly there is no Japanese language schools Evergreen.
Kurasu ga ni gakusei imasu Junin.
ク ラ ス に 学生 が 十 人 い ま す.
In the class there are 10 students.
- no = の Particle Number (Function and Explanation Complete)
NO(の) particle is one of the many particles in Japanese, as well as particle WA, NO(の) particle is very important to learn before we begin to construct a sentence in Japanese.
NO(の) particles are used to combine two nouns, besides NO(の) particles can also be used as an emphatic speech that is usually used in a variety of languages Japanese women, for more details, the following function of the particle NO(の), hopefully can help you who are studying Japanese.
NO(の) particles can be used to combine the two nomina.
Nomina that existed before the particles become adverbs for no noun that is after particle NO(の).
- Shows the property of someone / something.
Watashi no baggu.
わ た し の バ ッ グ.
Bag (have) me.
Ano basu wa kaisha no desu.
あ の バ ス は 会 社 の で す.
The bus was owned by the company.
Indoneshia-jin no fūzoku wa Nihon-jin no to mattaku chigaimasu.
イ ン ド ネ シ ア 人 の 風俗 は 日本人 の と ま っ た く 違 い ま す.
Indonesian customs of different people altogether with the Japanese.- Merging the two nouns. (Noun first explained hereinafter noun)
Nihon-go no sensei.
日本語 の 先生.
Japanese teacher.
Kotoshi no kome no Shukaku oi wa desu.
こ と し の 米 の 収穫 は 多 い で す.
Many rice harvest this year.
Watashi no tomodachi no Tono-san wa chūgakkō de gengogaku no sensei o shite imasu.
わ た し の 友 達 の ト ノ さ ん は 中 学校 で 言語 学 の 先生 を し て い ま す.
Tono is my language teacher in junior high school.Ok learn hiragana today completed her to see you in learning Katakana article ja matta ne minna benkyou gambatte kudasai see in the next article ^ _ ^support this blog by leaving a comment but do not use rude word and spam
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